If you are entitled to benefits under the Plan, you must submit a formal, written application for benefits to Retirement Services in order to begin receiving those benefits.
At the time you apply, you must provide proof of your age (and proof of your spouse’s age, if you are married). Retirement Services requires either a certified copy of a birth certificate or two other forms of documentation proving date of birth (for you and your spouse).
Examples of these forms of documentation include:
Birth certificate
Baptismal certificate
Record of birth from hospital
U.S. census record
Naturalization papers
Registration from vital statistics
Driver’s license
Record of military service
Your marital status as of the date your benefits are scheduled to begin also must be confirmed. If you are married, you will be required to furnish a copy of your marriage certificate.
If you have been divorced at any time, Retirement Services requires a complete copy of all divorce decrees and marital separation agreements.