This summary plan description (SPD) highlights the provisions of the Carpenters' Pension Plan adopted for participants who first begin participating in the Pension Plan on or after May 1, 2020 and are not covered by the Shops Plan. The term “Shops Plan” refers to the provisions that apply to individuals who would have been covered under the Prior Shops Plan, including those who become participants covered by the Shops Plan provisions after the 1995 merger. If additional information about the Plan is needed, contact Retirement Services.
For simplicity, references in this SPD to the "Plan" include only provisions that relate to new members who begin participating in the Pension Plan on or after May 1, 2020 and are not covered by the Shops Plan. Any individuals who became participants before May 1, 2020 or are covered by the Shops Plan should refer to the SPD for the plan that applies to them.
The Plan Document governs the payment of all benefits under the Plan. In the event of any conflict, the Plan Document has precedence over this SPD. For your convenience, section references from the Plan Document are provided in this SPD. Specific Plan Document references are identified by bracketed text (e.g., [Section II(D)]).
This SPD generally describes the Plan in effect as of May 1, 2024. If you stopped working in Covered Employment before that date or if you have any pension vesting credit before that date, some of the features of the Plan described in this SPD may not apply to you.
If you still have questions after reviewing this SPD, please feel free to contact the Pension Fund Office at:
Mid-America Carpenters Regional Benefit Services
c/o Retirement Services
1419 Hampton Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139
314.877.232.3863, or 314.644.4802